Drill Down Reports

You can drill down various types of reports using the Drill Down link under the panel settings. Drill down contains various reports based on the metrics.

  • URL Summary
  • Transaction Summary
  • DB Queries
  • Session Summary Report
  • Flowpath Report
  • Exceptional Summary Report
  • Page Summary Report



This report displays URL summary, such as URL name, number of tries, number of successes, number of failures, minimum duration, average duration, maximum duration, median, 80th percentile, 90th percentile, 95th percentile, 99th percentile, percentage fail, and script count.

Figure 31: URL Summary

Further Reports in this Section

You can view further reports from this window by clicking the specified links.

  • To view the URL instance report for tried attempts, click the Tried
  • To view the URL instance report for successful attempts, click the Success
  • To view the URL instance report for failed attempts, click the Fail
  • To view URL Component details, click the Average
  • To view URL Session Summary, click the Script Countlink.


This report displays a Transaction summary, such as transaction name, minimum duration, average duration, maximum duration, median duration, 8th percentile, 90th percentile, 95th percentile, 99th percentile, script count, a number of tries, success, fails attempts, and fail percentage.

Figure 32: Transaction Summary

Further Reports in this Section

You can view further reports from this window by clicking the specified links.

  • To view the Transaction details report, click the Average
  • To view the transaction instance for successful transactions, click the Tried
  • To view the transaction instance for failed transactions, click the Fail

DB Queries Report

This report should provide details on the database query. To view the database query results, click the DB Requests link on the Drill-Down Queries page or click the DB Call Count link on the Flowpath window (for particular flowpath instance). The Database query report is displayed. This report should display details, such as DB query, query count, error count, minimum count, maximum count, minimum time, maximum time, and average time (in ms) taken by the query. It should also display tier, server, and instance. On clicking the query name, the complete query should display in the Query text area.


In JMeter, each thread executes all the sampler define in it, which is called a Session here. Netstorm completes a session of threads when the total duration exceeds 5 minutes or after 100 samples are executed, whichever happens first.

This report displays the Session summary, such as Script name, number of tries, number of successes, number of failures, minimum duration, average duration, maximum duration, median, 80th percentile, 90th percentile, 95th percentile, 99th percentile, and fail percentage.

Figure 33: Session Summary

Further Reports in this Section

You can view further reports from this window by clicking the specified links.

  • To view the script file in script manager, click the Script Name
  • To view the Session instance report for tried attempts, click the Tried
  • To view the Session instance report for successful attempts, click theSuccess
  • To view the Session instance report for failed attempts, click theFail
  • To view the Session details report, click the Average

Page Summary Report

You can also view the Page Summary report from the Drill Down Queries window. This window displays the following page summary details: Page name, number of tries, success, and failures. It also displays the minimum, maximum, average, and median duration of the page along with 80th percentile, 90th percentile, 95th percentile, 99th percentile, fails percentage, and script count.

Figure 34: Page Summary

Other Reports from this Window

  • To view the page instance report, click the Tried
  • To view the page failure report, click the Fail
  • To view the page component detail report, click the Average 
  • To view the page session summary report, click the Script Countlink.

Flowpath Report

Figure 35: Flowpath Report
  • Tier: This denotes the name of the tier.
  • Server: This denotes the server for the corresponding tier.
  • Instance: This denotes the instance running on that tier.
  • Business Transaction: This denotes the name of the business transaction executed on the instance. You can view the IP Summary here.
  • Flowpath Instance: It is the running instance of the flowpath. Sequence Diagrams can be opened directly from a flowpath using a flowpath Instance.
  • URL: It denotes the page URL of the business transaction. From here, you can view the HTTP report.
  • Category: It denotes the category of business transaction, such as normal, slow, very slow. From here, you can view the HotSpot report.
  • Start Time: This denotes the start time of the business transaction or method.
  • Total Response Time: This denotes the time taken in the execution of a business transaction. It is in MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS format. From here, you can view the Method Timing report.
  • CPU Time: Time spent by CPU to execute a method or transaction.
  • Methods: It denotes the number of methods executed for that business transaction.
  • CallOuts: It denotes the number of calls for that method. From here, you can view the transaction flow map.
  • CallOut Errors: It denotes the number of errors that occurred in the method invocation. From here, you can view exceptions for error callouts.
  • DB Call Count: This denotes the database call count. From here, you can view the DB request report.
  • Status: This denotes the status/response code of the business transaction, such as 200, 500.
  • CorrID: This denotes the correlation ID.
  • ND Session ID: The ID of the NetDiagnostics session.
  • NV Page ID: The ID of the NetVision page.
  • Coherence CallOut: Coherence type callout.
  • JMS Callout: JMS type callout.
  • NV Session ID: The ID of the NetVision session.
  • Wait Time(ms): Any thread consuming time on the wait method.
  • Sync Time(ms): Any thread stuck before a synchronized block or synchronized method due to the lock not being available.
  • IO Time: Thread pause time due to input/output operations.
  • Suspension Time(ms): Thread pause time due to java GC.
  • Store ID: The ID of the store.
  • Terminal ID: The ID of the terminal.
  • QTime (ms): The time taken for the execution of a DB query. 
  • Response Time(ms): This denotes the time taken in the execution of a business transaction. It is in MM/DD/YY HH:MM: SS format. On clicking this link, you can view the Method Timing report.
  • Parent FlowpathInstance: Displays the parent flowpath instance if any.
  • Total CPU Time (ms): Total CPU time is taken for all invocations of this method.
  • GC Pause: To display if there are any GC logs captured or not.
  • DC Name: Data center name.
  • Flag: Displays the Dynamix logging/HTTP trace request.

Flowpath Group by Business Transactions

Figure 36: FlowPath Group by
  • Business Transaction: Name of the business transaction group.
  • Flowpath Count: Number of flow paths corresponding to that business transaction.

Flowpath Analyses Report

  • Flowpath Analyzer is useful in case of a large number of flowpath to identify the issue where each flowpath has a different set of combination of methods.
  • It displays the top methods that cause the issue. 
  • It displays the overall total self-time and count per flowpath. 
  • In the subsequent columns, self-time and count are displayed pattern-wise. 
  • At the top, it displays the pattern summary, such as pattern number, flowpath average time (ms), flowpath count, percentage flowpath, and top contributor.

This window is divided into the following sections:

Pattern Stats

Figure 37: Pattern Stats

Flowpath Signature

Figure 38: Flowpath Signature

Pattern Summary

Figure 39: Pattern Summary

Top Methods

Figure 40: Top Methods

BT Trend Report

It is used to view the overall trend of the business transaction. It contains two sections:

BT Trend Summary

Figure 41: BT Trend Summary
  • Business Transaction Name
  • Health
  • Response Time
  • Response Time Trend
  • BT %
  • Total Count
  • Error/Sec
  • Error/Sec Tier
  • Trend


BT Stats

Figure 42: BT Stats

On clicking a business transaction, the following stats are displayed:

  • Response Time
  • TPS
  • Error/Sec
  • Error/Sec %

DB Request Report

It is used for extracting useful information from the database in the form of result sets.

It displays two sections – DB Stats and Query. In the DB stats section, top 5 DB queries by response time are displayed. It also displays the query details, such as query, first query time, last query time, query count, error count, minimum count, maximum count, and so on. Within the Query section, the complete query is displayed.

Figure 43: DB Queries

DB Request Group by Business Transaction

  • Business Transaction: Name of the business transaction group.
  • Query Count: Number of Queries corresponding to that business transaction.

Normal Transaction

This report displays a list of all the business transactions (along with various other details) with the ‘Normal’ category.


Figure 44: Normal Category

Slow Transaction

This report displays a list of all the business transactions (along with various other details) with the ‘Slow’ category.

Very Slow Transaction

This report displays a list of all the business transactions (along with various other details) with the ‘Very Slow’ category.

Error Transaction

This report displays a list of all the business transactions (along with various other details) with the ‘Error’ category.

Figure 45: Error Category

Method Timing

This report displays the time taken by the methods for their execution. It contains the package name, class name, method name and various categories of time taken for execution. It displays two sections – Method Timing Stats and Methods Summary.

Figure 46: Method Timing

Description of terms in the method timing report:

  • Package: The package to which the method belongs to.
  • Class: The class to which the method belongs to.
  • Method: The name of the method.
  • Functional Group: It is the functional group to which the method belongs.
  • Fully Qualified Name with Signature: It is the combination of Package.Class.Method.
  • Percentage: Percentage of total time taken to execute all invocations of method.
  • Self-time: Time taken for invocation of a method excluding the time taken by inner methods.
  • AvgSelfTime: Average self-time taken for single invocation of method.
  • CumSelfTime: Total self-time taken for all invocations of method.
  • CumWallTime: Total time taken for all invocations of method.
  • AvgWallTime: Average time taken for all invocations of method.
  • CumCpuTime: Total CPU time taken for all invocations of method.
  • AvgCpuTime: Average CPU time taken for all invocations of method.
  • CumCpuSelfTime: Total CPU self-time taken for all invocations of method.
  • AvgCpuSelfTime: Average CPU self-time taken for all invocations of method.
  • Count: Number of invocations of a method.
  • MinSelfTime: Minimum self-time taken for single invocation of method.
  • MaxSelfTime: Maximum self-time taken for single invocation of method.
  • Variance: Describes how much a random variable differs from its expected value.
  • WaitTime(ms): Any thread consuming time on wait method.
  • SyncTime(ms): Any thread stuck before synchronized block or synchronized method due to lock not available.
  • IOTime(ms): Thread pause time due to input/output operations.
  • SuspensionTime(ms): Thread pause time due to java GC.

Exception Summary Report

Exception instance report should display detailed information on the exception occurred, such as exception trend, aggregate exceptions (exception class, throwing class, throwing method, and exception count), exception details (tier, server, instance, integration point, time, exception class, message, throwing class, throwing method, line method, and cause), stack trace, and source code.

Exception Stats

This section should display two sub-sections. One for groups by exceptions where percentage of exception groups (such as PSQLException and NumberFormatException) should be displayed and another should be exceptions where exception stats (exception by time at X-axis and exception by count at Y-axis) should be displayed.

Aggregate Exception(s)

This section should provide aggregated details of the exception(s), such as exception class, throwing class, throwing method, and exception count.


This section should display details of an exception. To view details of a particular exception class, click the exception counts within the Aggregate Exception(s) section. The details include tier, server, instance, integration point, time, exception class, message, throwing class, and throwing method.

Stack Trace

This section should display stack-trace that contains stack data. On clicking a record from the left, source data should be displayed at the right.